Victory! Abobo cabinet set up amidst booth boxes. |
Some last-minute paint touch-ups to fix the dings from shipping and setup. |
Oh Comic-con, what beautiful aisles you have! |
This guy and his brother were serious NES-fanatics. They continuously called out even the most obscure character references in the game while playing. |
April O'Neil (and Kitana) live on the scene to cover the breaking story of Abobo's awesomeness. |
Silent Hill Pyramid Head approves of Abobo and creeps us out. |
Playing Abobo's Big Adventure makes mustaches sprout on even the youngest boys (and girls). |
Abobo masks made everyone look more attractive. |
Marty McFly tried to show some kids the game, but all they said was, "You have to use your hands?! That's like a baby's game!" |
Pretty good crowd gathering. |
Jill Valentine poses seductively in front of the cabinet. Nerdy gamers continue to play. |
Dr. Strange's powers are useless against Abobo's might |
Abobo's rage move shot out of the screen and zombified this guy. |
Cheery grins of "WTF is happening here?!" spread across these players' faces. |
A leprechaun appeared to test his luck against Abobo's rage. |
A female Captain America... we shall dub her 'Miss America.' |
So proud to be playing this game he started growing back his facial hair as soon as he touched the controls. |
Looking good on the level select screen... waiting to surprise the next players. |
Oh yeah, i-mockery.com had a booth next to Abobo's cabinet. |
The Burger King 'King' creeped out booth visitors. |
Hey! No cameras or flash photography! |
Boy of many hats... played so much we had to kick him off so others could have a turn. |
This guy said "Abobo Rocks" and I believed him. |
Roger entertains a crowd of rabid Abobo fans. |
Abobo... fun for all ages! |
Face-off of epic proportions... who will end up the ultimate Abobo Champ? |
This is an appropriate outfit for playing Abobo's Big Adventure. |
Undies-clad superman... he really enjoyed the game... and posing for pictures. |
Abobo ressurrected Michael Jackson. True story. |
Red Dragon approved. |
OMG! Abobo killed Kenny! |
Scarecrow enjoys some downtime. |
Skeletor tattoo of amazingness. You know this guy found the right game to play at Comic-Con. |
Angry robots with pistols fit right in with Abobo's Big Adventure. |
Poison Ivy endorses Abobo whole-heartedly. |