 10 Year Anniversary!
Posted: April 5th 2022
Ahoy there, Abobo chums!

It's hard to believe it, but we recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of Abobo's Big Adventure! To celebrate the occasion, Nick, Pox, and yours truly got together for a live playthrough of the game for the first time ever, kindly hosted by our pal Graeme of 2 Left Thumbs. It was an absolute blast getting the team back together to reminisce about the game while Nick played through it during the livestream. We had so much fun that we went on for OVER FOUR HOURS! Thankfully, Graeme archived the stream on his YouTube channel for anybody who wouldn’t watch it live, so here it is in its entirety:

As if that’s not enough, Graeme also released the Abobo’s Big Adventure Documentary which covers the game’s decade-long development history, its impact, the ten years since its release, what we’ve been up to since then, and even some exclusive peeks at the 16-bit Abobo sequel we were planning for a while that never saw the light of day. It’s a monumental piece of work, and we’re extremely touched that Graeme cared so much about the game as to put such an incredible video history of Abobo’s Big Adventure together. You can watch the full documentary here:

Abobo’s Big Adventure was a total non-profit labor of love between friends, and we still look back fondly on it, how it changed our lives with so many wonderful experiences together, and all the laughs we had. And who knows... Nick, Pox, and I just might get back together to make a new game together in the future!

We can’t thank all of you enough for keeping Abobo’s Big Adventure alive after all these years, and thanks to the Ruffle emulator, you can still play it in your browser here on the site without having to download any plugins. Here’s to another ten years and we hope our absurd game continues to provide you all with wonderful nostalgia and laughs. Abobo will live on in our hearts forever.

After all... Goonies never say die.
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 3 Mil. Downloads + Game Informer Magazine
Posted: March 8th 2012
Hey Abobo fans!

Here's a quick announcement to let you know that Abobo's Big Adventure was featured in a recently printed edition of Game Informer Magazine!

The issue # is 228 and it features Assassin's Creed III on the cover. Head to your local GameStop or other gamer-oriented store and pick up a copy for HISTORICAL PURPOSES!

It's a bit surreal to see this Flash game we made as a pure tribute to our love of the NES featured in a real big-deal gaming magazine. It brings a tear to our collective eye to know the game has touched a cord in so many people. That is, we WOULD have cried if we hadn't wasted all our tears on the many beatings Abobo has given us through the years.

Also, as of this post, Abobo's Big Adventure has been played 3.25 million times since its release about 2 months ago. A huge thanks goes out to all Abobo fans and to all the people who have supported us by writing articles, passing links to friends, and joining our FB page.

Extra huge special mega dino thanks go to anyone who has reached into their pocket to donate to our cause, we sure appreciate the support! You guys rock!

--Team Bobo
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 Abobo's Big Adventure Updated To Version 1.4!
Posted: January 26th, 2012

The Abobo train to an 8-bit wonderland of powerful punches continues to streamroll its way across the Internet and we couldn't be happier about the reception! Since so many people have been playing the game, we've added it to another site. Abobo's Big Adventure is now available for play on ArmorGames, so be sure to check it out on there and give it some votes to help show your support!

That said, there have been some requests for features in Abobo's Big Adventure, so we've updated the game with a few things we thought were worth adding in.

Version 1.4 includes the following updates:

-You can press "M" from anywhere in the game to return to the main menu - including during cutscenes! This should come in particularly handy for all you achievement medal hunters so you don't have to refresh your browser.

-There is a pause on the intro to the Pro Wrabobo and Punch Abobo areas so you can learn more about the moves you can perform in each of these big battles.

-On the intro to the Pro Wrabobo area, we've added in a secret tip for those of you who struggled to complete the tricky Balloon Fight level.

-Fixed bug during Punch Abobo fight where it locked up if you got up at the end of the 10 count.

-Fixed a bug in Prow Wrabobo where he suddenly vanished (well, we think we fixed it).

As always, please let us know if you encounter any new (or old) glitches when playing v.1.4 of Abobo's Big Adventure!

Lastly, for all of you who've been asking for a downloadable standalone, browser-free version of the game, it's coming very soon! In addition to that, the game will have a fullscreen mode feature so you can play it much larger! And yes, the game will still be 100% free and you can still use a gamepad to play it as always.

-Team Bobo

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 Version 1.3
Posted: January 14th 2012
Don't forget to vote 5 for us on Newgrounds please!

I took some time today for bug fixes and just uploaded version 1.3 here and on Newgrounds. This version should address the following issues:

-Medal popup appearing in 2 places (made it always appear in upper right, might cover something important on some stages, but having it move around was causing too many problems)

Double Dragon:
-Shooter Gavin getting stuck in boxes at top of screen
-turn off rage when abobo falls into Gavin pit
-Endless loop of anim when tearing a kid's head off
-Abobo and Gavin go over conveyer at same time problems
-Dying on shooter gavin and continuing causes problems
-Can climb too high on ladder preventing dismount

-using rage on bob-omb gives you idiot achievement

Balloon Fight/Pro Wrestling:
-rolling into ring + chair hit = bad
-hit on bottom left corner of ring = disappear

-abobo vanishes when dropping on laser screens (likely first laser screen after darkness)

-don't allow mac hits when abobo is in rage mode
-doc's spin punch tip disappears as soon as it's finished typing
-Added Instructions on Punchout intro

Unresolved Issues:
-problems with rage during old man fight?
-Running on upper left of pro-wrestling causes freeze?

-Some ads cause the game to shrink (refresh page until you get an ad that works)
-Sticky keys in some browsers (continues in one direction without any input): Possible Fix here.

The response to the game has been wonderful! We're so amazed at all the fan support. You guys rock!

Your next task is to keep testing the game and reporting new bugs. You've done great so far!
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 Abobo's Big Adventure is now LIVE!
Posted: January 11th, 2012

It's finally here! The wait is over and you can finally dive into the world of Abobo, fists first! Please Vote for our game on Newgrounds!

A lot of love went into Abobo's Big Adventure. We had no bosses to report to, no budgets to meet, no rules about what we couldn't do... we simply took the time to make the kind of game that we had dreamed about when we were kids. I have to thank Nick and Pox for seeing this immense project through to the very end with me. They put a ton of work into this and the game simply couldn't have turned out this incredibly well without their efforts. I'm incredibly lucky to have good friends like them who share my sense of humor to work on games with. I also have to thank our friends and families for putting up with all the long nights we spent working on the game when we could've been hanging out with them. Thanks to Tom Fulp and the Newgrounds community for showing so much support for our game projects over the years. And lastly, I want to thank you guys for being so patient with us as we kept promising this game year after year. Your undying support really kept us going and we really appreciate so many of you spreading the word about it online. I know it took us forever to complete, but once you've played through the entire thing, you'll see that it was worth the wait.

We've added in a ton of custom artwork, cutscenes, unique rage moves on each level, huge boss battles, secrets, unlockables, jokes, and a whopping 100 achievement medals! We even wrote a tutorial so you can learn how to play the game with a genuine NES controller on your computer. You'll also be happy to learn that we've created a convenient Level Select screen which automatically unlocks levels as you beat them. You don't have to beat the game in one sitting... you can always come back and use the Level Select to pick up right where you left off. You can also use it to replay any level if you need to try to unlock additional medals that you missed out on during your first play-through.

So here we are. January 11th, 2012. Abobo's Big Adventure, the ultimate tribute to the NES and our masterpiece of 8-bit parodies is finally here. All I want to do now is sit back and enjoy seeing all of you laugh and smile as all of your memories from the golden age of gaming come flooding back in an instant. And don't worry, even if you didn't grow up on these games, you're still going to have a blast playing it as the humor is universal. Do yourself a favor and play through the entire game, because I promise that the ending we've worked up for you will be something you'll remember for the rest of your life.

Seeing Abobo's Big Adventure released is a real dream come true. On behalf of Team Bobo, thanks so much for being a part of it. Please drop a comment and let us know what you think of the game!

Please Vote for our game on Newgrounds!
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Recent Supporters <3:
Jeremie: $5.00     Raphaël: $5.00
Sil: $4.50     Jacob: $1.00
Brandon: $1.00     Timothy: $1.00
Gustavo: $1.00     Roman: $10.00
Stephen: $5.00     Eduardo: $3.00

Robert: $500.00     Zap: $201
Fraser: $200.00     Ian: $150.00
Peter: $123.45     Michael: $101.00
Maddox: $100.00     John: $100.00
Sebastian: $100.00     bryan: $80.00

Total Donations: 2450
Donate through Paypal!
"This game gave me a severe case of Nintendo thumb!"
                --Jordan Jones
"This game brought tears to my eyes... because Abobo mistook them for gumballs and tried to rip them out."
      --Quinn Kirkland