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Comment on: Abobo's Big Adventure Makes People Cry.
Your name:

"Even people with no idea what the game's about love it!"
-- Nick
-- Argh
"that little kid is such a ding-a-ling"
-- bobby
"nWo 4 life"
-- kyle
"man that kid needs to be given the nes toaster and a cardboard box of all the
games. Then after duct taping him to a chair he will learn the history"
-- Zero
"he will also learn that 2d games are superior to 3d"
-- chas
"Just signed up for your beta testing. I am graduating game dev school soon and
I hope I get the chance to beta this! I am pretty strong in AS3 if you guys
need anything let me know. I'd be more than happy to work for free on this :) "
-- ZaQ
"Man, I can't wait for the next level for beta testing. This game looks awesome. "
-- Mr.88
"He's just experiencing with videogaming Addiction.Come to think of it what about
my life(man I need a female gamer)"
-- Sir Shadow
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