"Fantastic. Thanks a lot for creating this game and sharing with everybody for free. I see there is a lot of work and love in the game, even I have only scratched the surface and played at the third level at the moment. Thanks again! " |
"I __________ LOVE YOU GUYS! (Fill in for explict marks.)" |
"Fantastic! Well made throwbacks like this are too few and far between, and rarely (if ever) this quality. Kudos to everyone who's been working to make this a reality!" |
"Thanks for all the effort, I will so fucking enjoy this." |
"Couldn't get A to work, then once the game started A and S worked but the arrows still wouldn't work." |
"Well worth the wait. good stuff, thanks!" |
""Sorry abobo, but our princess in another dungeon" - This were his last words." |
"Guys i stand to salute & thank you,be proud & hold your heads up high as you have created a truly wonderful game :D" |
"This game is so awesome!!!
'Rot in hell Abobo!!!'
Great work, dudes.
Can't wait to play this some more!!!" |
"This game is epic !!!!!
Well done " |
"its great " |
"The game is amazing! It's way better than I could have imagined" |
"Are you also minimizes the game to a very small window? (Automatic)" |
"I'm loving this game so far. However, I have a complaint about the rage move being set to A+S. **MINOR SPOILER ALERT** In the Megaman stage, where you're jumping and shooting at the exact same time, especially to avoid those annoying ass enemies, it gets frustrating when you accidentally use your rage and make the meter go down to 0 at a time you were really saving it. I would suggest D instead." |
"There is no 3rd button on the NES!!!!" |
"Awesome game!! " |
"Уровень с шариками жесточайший!хочется комуто руки поломать!!можно было немножечко полегче зделать!!" |
"спасибо за игру!очень хороша!)скажите будет ли расширятся на полный экран?и почему нельзя скачать её,а играть только на сайте?" |
"Awesome! Thanks a lot for this masterpiece!" |
"We need a pause button. D:" |
"Holy fucking shit, was that game amazing! 805 AboboScore on my first run. I WILL be playing this game a lot more. Abobo FTW!!!" |
"this is the greatest game ever made. thank you." |
"Hey can anyone help me out?
I'm in the green tiled level with the penis map.
I got the walk on water ability.
In one part, there's a stone that shoots fireballs and a merman. I can't reach the key.
In the part below it there's an enemy that inflates you and you have to wait to deflate.After i kill them the door doesnt open.
I'm stuck , what should i do?" |
"Thank you for your altruistic labour. I hope that the time was worth. I have some friends reunited to play this baby together in a big screen and I mapped the keyboard to a gamepad to enhance the experience. This is a big thing for us dudes in our late 20's.
Thanks again and expect my bum friends to be persuaded into donation mode." |
"I'm quitting my job as a game tester tomorrow. Whatever comes up, be it Wii, PS3 or PS978 or XBOX 81 times the 10th, I know NOTHING will ever be this good." |
"Help for zelda level:
The block in the middle of the room is sparkling for a reason... maybe if you try persuading it a bit, it will unlock the door...
This is a classic zelda game mechanic to open locked doors.
Good luck, let us know if that hint wasn't good enough :-D" |
"great game but needs a pause option" |
"This is spectacular! Great job!!" |
"Pause is the "P" button on your keyboard!" |
"Just finished the game. Epic game is epic!!!! Good job! Thanks!" |
"This game is sort of masterpiece, but too short and a little casual.
also, can we have some sequel/prequel or maybe spinoff of this game?" |
"Freaking Spectacular!!!! I hope you release a version to download!" |
"Game Finished & All Modes Revealed!!! OMG. Two hours and a half later I think it have been an awesome gaming experience. One of the things that I loved: This game is hard to beat. Not only infinite references to 8-bit era, even the old-school spirit.
I love all the modes, the achievement system, and that little tribute to Konami... I don't want to spoil nothing.
" |
"OH DAYUM, thats that game right there you muthaphukkahs is geniuses " |
"Most Excellent! Not a fan of flash or Nes parodies, but this was an EXTREME WIN! ABOBO FOR PRESIDENT! Donation time :D" |
"It was playing fine before, now the flash box is zooming out and its too small to see. How can i fix it?" |
"This game is AWESOME, really reminds me the "Golden Age" of gaming. You made a perfect job, compliments from Italy!
Now sorry, but i have to defeat that fuc#@ng Old Man!!!
Keep the good work :)" |
"The game shrinking is due to a specific set of "Urban Rivals" ads getting loaded. Refresh the game until a different ad loads and you should be good to go. Sorry, this one is not our fault!" |
"screens sooo tiny" |
"excellent game brought back many memories of my childhood, I loved the gore touch that gave the game so thanks for the game" |
"how the fuck did I play this for 45 minutes
" |
"This game is incredible and brings back so many childhood memories. Just two suggestions:
1. is there a way to get this offline and preferrably onto a tablet?
2. A pause function would be awesome so I can play at work!" |
"P = Pause" |
"AWESOME! but got stuck during the fight in the wrestling arena and my character dissapeared.... :-(" |
"Whouaa !! Great Job ! Thank You Very Much !!!" |
"This was an amazing tribute to all that is NES. All I can say is SO BAD!!! " |
"Hello. Where i can get menu music?" |
"Epic beyond all measure. Thanks for the mash up of memories." |
"Needs some fine tuning with controls and frame animation, but a great a great game regardless. Humor spot on, well done." |
"nice game" |
"This is so stupidly fun" |
"Sooooo worth the wait. Congratulations on a kick ass game!" |
"OH. MY. GOD. This might be the most fun indie game I've ever played. EVER." |
"It's amazing!!! I'm playing with a wii classic controller and I'm taking back my childhood :D But there's a horrible horrible bug: vs mac, I got knock down and get up right in the count of 10, then the clock stops, and neither mac or abobo throw punches any more :P so I need to restart the game, but I don't care, because I love this game so much! " |
"Pretty fucking good game." |
"This is amazing. thank you for making such a (free!) kick ass game,,i had such a good time playing this. " |
"best game ever!!!!! that all that needs to be said ." |
"This game will forever be the best flash game ever. Newgrounds should keep this on the front page for all eternity." |
"Loving the game, but I got stuck on little mac. Lost once, rematched and got full rage before the first knock down, and knocked him down with that. (Thought that triggered Big Mac, but it didn't) Anyway afterword I was knocked down myself (first time on this try) I didn't get up until right at the 10 count. Now me and Little Mac are just dancing in the middle of the ring with the kd music playin" |
"Love it!
One bug, I was fighting the Amazon and somehow Abobo just disappeared!" |
"The last boss failed all the entire game. (very boring and uniteresting). A big fat minus!" |
"i love the idea but the direction keys and buttons do not work right. if i hold left or right, he will run after a second, but i cannot move him. right now, i am stuck in a pipe and it says to push A but when i do, nothing happens." |
"this is amazing...balloon fight part is HARD though!" |
"Awesome game. I've played until Zelda remind stage. Please try to release this game onto XBLA or PSN. Great work guys!!!" |
"BAD ASS!!! Man, what a tribute did you guys made! Nostalgia levels to the roof!" |
"What a retro-game!Congratulations guys! Itґs simply fantastic!" |
"Is this game downloadable? I have an arcade style cabinet and would love to run this as a stand-alone exe file." |
"The best EPIC Retro game, never created before.. you guys made a good work!
This is a recommended game to Old-School Gamers! :)" |
"Hey so when the game plays the movement buttons won't work unless I double tap to run. A and S buttons works but I cant move. Little help please?" |
"This was a fantastic game. I played it from beginning to end with only one continue. Absolutely epic and the final boss was a total and welcome surprise!
A bug note:
In the Contra stage, when activated the 2nd Player achievement, the controls became corrupted and/or mis-mapped.
Also, will this ever be available for download and/or offline play?
Congrats on such a wonderful game!" |
"this game did something no other game on xbox ps3 ps2 wii xbox 360 have done for me in a while a good challenge im gonna get a nes of ebay because i need one now because this wonderful game reminded me how great the nes is
" |
"Great but i have one problem...the A+S to do rage attacks isn't a good idea as in a level such as the mega man one when im trying to shoot and jump i press A and S so i trigger the rage attack without wanting to do it" |
"O_O (Words cannot convey the sheer awesomeness of this game!)" |
"ghost pushed me through a wall got stuck have to start all over :(" |
"This game is Amazing!
Though challenging." |
"Great game" |
"Best game ever!="D
p.s Hello from Russia!
" |
"I killed bomberman in the zelda dungeon and had to restart the game. As much as I suspect it's a clever boss fight, having to restart the game if you kill the boss too early isn't a terribly good design." |
"Ah, I was being stupid after all, and it was much easier than I thought. Stupid undeletable comments." |
"Great Game. Laser shark killed me." |
"Trailer looks great. Tried to play a few times now, but it loads to 82% and then gets stuck." |
"Frozen at 82%" |
"Frozen at 82% V.1.2
I played V.1.1 and it loaded fine on my computer. Please fix so I can play more!" |
"The server has not died....Abobo has ATE the SERVER!" |
"Fixed, sorry, server was having hiccups!" |
May I suggest, when playing the game, if a person is clicking on another link, for it to open another tab? I'm using my laptop and was just pummeling (spoiler goes here) in the boxing ring, and my hand tapped down in my eagerness and sent me to the "about the game" page. Gotta start all over.
Granted, I'm not complaining. LOOOVE the game, but I would've just loved to finish it." |
"Sorry, there's nothing we can do about the site links opening in another tab since it's a shared header across the whole site, but the game auto-saves, so you don't have to start from the VERY beginning at least! (small consolation I know)" |
"Wow! Abobo is our truly hero! And I can't think about a better tribute to NES than this adventure! " |
"REMEMBER - If you die or encounter a bug, you can always reset the game and use the LEVEL SELECT menu to pick up where you left off instead of having to start the entire game over.
Thanks for all the wonderful compliments so far everybody! Hope you enjoy the huge ending when you beat the game! Thanks for playing!" |
"Really enjoyed the game but it froze after fighting Big Mac a couple of times :(" |
"Had a problem in the wrestling match. The game just kind of froze and Abobo disappeared. " |
"Amazing Game!! Though I wish you could save progress :)" |
"Your progress is automatically saved whenever you beat a level. Just use the level select option from the main menu when you restart!" |
"AWESOME GAME!!!! So great. Keep up the good work." |
"I Really enjoyed this game i hope you make a second one or another game like this and i hope too you make a downloadable version
I have one question: can we play 2 player coop" |
great job
thoroughly enjoying, well worth the wait..." |
"love it! i enjoy all the old charters form all the old games i grew up with. i can deff see you put alot of time and effort into it. thanks agin for makein it and makeing it free! " |
"Great Game!
I'm stuck on mega mabobo stage.
abobo keeps disappearing when falling through lasers." |
"Any idea why my arrow keys wouldn't work?" |
"Brilliant, silly, fun. Thank you for the goodness." |
"this game is AWESOME" |
"love to see this on android!" |
"I love it! Thank you so much. I still have a working NES and controllers, so I will be buying the converter! Long live 8-bit!" |
"Nice game the ending was weak though." |
"Just for that, I am going to punch your nightmares bloddy. " |
"Officially the best game ever made!!!!" |
"Great game guys. My only complaint is that.. *SPOILERS* during the wresting scene where Hogan, Piper, The Ultimate Warrior and The Undertaker show up. That is not the Undertaker from the 90's. I honestly thought it was Big Daddy Cool Diesel because he looked nothing like what he looked like in the WWF games. Please fix it to the correct Undertaker, the one with the gray gloves. Thanks a million." |
"More amazing than the time Michael Jackson came over to my house to use the bathroom, and even more amazing than the time I ate my weight in Godfather's Pizza." |
"I wish there was a way to lower the volume, or if there is, I wish that the volume control was clearly visible." |
"Hey guys, it's Chris/StrikeFear13 from Daisy-Gaming. One thing I wanted to say before you guys left but I forgot to was that I really hope this game does great and gets popular enough for you to maybe bring it to and sell it on console. Maybe make enough off it to warrant a sequel? :D anyways, awesome work! Can't wait to keep playing it." |
"I would love to write a FAQ for this game." |
"You misspelled "Kid Niki."" |
"Those achievement popups are so NES-Nostalgic!!! Wait..." |
"It is a pretty damn good game, except for the Quick man level, DAMN YOU Quick man (Seriously, it was AWE-SOME)
Totally worth the waiting.
I will now dare my friends to finish it ;)" |
"This game is a great tribute!!!!!!! excelent game! i complete the game..
classic!" |
"I jizzed." |
"its AWSOME " |
"It was neat talking with you at Daisy's stream. You've made a solid & enjoyable game. Here's hoping the word continues to spread. Is a sequel possible? :D Good luck with your future endeavors. (That proof page was beautiful btw)" |
"Love this game! Words can't describe how mind numbingly awesome this is! There are so many god damn secrets and cameos its crazy! I mean what other game has toxie in it? I applaud your work and hope I will see you in another project (I'm betting a nice break of 3-5 years.)" |
"Thanks for this motherfucking epic game, i was laughing my ass off with this, so many memories!
Long live to the NES!!
Greeting from Chile!" |
"You guys have created one of the greatest video games of all time. Period. In more than 23 years of playing video games, I've never seen anything like this. I'm an experienced Attorney, and I don't have the words to tell you what an incredible job you've done here." |
"Hey guys wanted to say this game is absolutely f*ckin badass as hell! Love it!" |
"great game, just finished.. enjoyed every second.." |
"I want to play in fullscreen" |
"Need fullscreen, holy crap Megabobo is friggin' hard. ABOBO IS AMAZING, THANKS GUYS!!!" |
"Mopped the floor with the old man, but when he became three I used rage, killed them all and the game hanged.
Amazing retro goodness nevertheless!" |
"There is a bug in megabobo where if bobo uses his rage skill then gets killed by a laser the game loops on re spawn." |
"This was an excellent game, gentlemen. I just played the whole thing in one sitting, using an original NES controller. I feel like a kid again.
Thanks for taking the time and effort to make such a great experience for us to enjoy. For free, no less!" |
"My hats off to you guys! That was a damn fine game. Took me way back to my childhood in front of the NES. You mad a wonderful game that was really fun to play and that had me laughing my ass off. I sincerely hope there will be a sequel in the future." |
"yes! Thank you for this nice game!) NES never die/// I'm waiting for new game))))" |
"Thank you, guys. This game is PERFECT." |
"One of the best games I've played in years! You guys did a great job. Abobo's big adventure brings back lots of great memories!" |
"One of the best games evar! And a really Funny one!" |
"Just started playing, and finding a bonus room in what use to be a glitch was SWEET" |
"amazing work guys. it's a wonderful tribute to the classics. " |
"Tons of fun. Now I just gotta figure out how to beat Little Mac" |
"This game is fantastic. Thank you for putting so much work into this game to make it as awesome as it is!" |
"Plz... give the option to play with "asdw" keys as directional keys instead of arrows plz. And the AB keys as JK or something? My arrows are located on the right, bottom side of my laptop and would love to play this with the standard game keys! Please and thank you! I totally love the idea of the game. I just wish I could play it with the usual directional pad on my keyboard. " |
"Finally its done!" |
"Abobos Big Adventure is Abobowesome! An epic mix of classic NES games! Truly a game for the ages!" |
"Amazing game!!! Pure old School 10/10." |
"Epic!!!!" |
"It's very playable, I like it very much! but I need a save button!" |
LUV this GAME alot.
" |
"This brought back some memories. I laughed. I cried. I died (several times). Thanks for all your hard work. This is going to be really special to a lot of people. " |
"It is fantastic, it really really made me happy all I can say is thanks... really!!!" |
"simply ABOBOSOME!!!" |
"Why game doesnt have a main screen button? Or restart level? Because I finished game and I am trying to get achivements." |
"great work.
" |
"This Game just brought back NES Nostalgia! Great Job ABOBO 4 EVA!!!!" |
"Instant GOTY
" |
"Fantastic" |
"Can I download it?" |
"very very nice, hope to see new productions soon!" |
"Your labor is not unnoticed.
Your labor is appreciated. " |
"Great game!! Amazing work, keep it up. But I think I found a bug, it just froze on me while fighting the old man on the zelda stage, I pulled a rage when he was on the last bar and there was a bob-bomb on the loose somewhere.
" |
"Seeing world in retro.thanx" |
"Simply amazing. Excellent wonderful job. Very first stage I tried climbing the wall at the very end to see if you incorporated it into this game. I was not only amazed that you left it in, but the secret room at the top had me laughing hysterically." |
"The best game of the 2012! If there's game that is/will be better than Abobo, then Abobo is better." |
"Nice Good BEST Game Ever!!!!" |
"Very Good Game
Fantastic and Thanks 4 Free" |
"This game needs to be playable on a PSP or a DS/3DS. Make it happen! Congratulations." |
"great game. a lot of hard work went into this. Wish XBLA had more heart like this game does. great job!!!!" |
"I think you guys should implement a pause key. Cool game BTW!" |
"Hard, but epic as hell! Thanks for such a wonderful game!" |
"I really appreciate your work" |
"This is just a wonderful thing. Thank yo for making it.
" |
"I think this is game is totally great. It is unequivocally the best flash game/homemade game I have ever played. It's a shame you need Flash to play it though." |
"Incredibly well done and awesome mix of games. My favorite part was blowing up toad in the hidden room/Zelda." |
"Great game, made me remember games I had forgotten about. Glitch in the wrestling level, I went against the ropes at the bottom right and I disappeared. Also, allowing an option to set buttons or even go WASD and left, right arrows (A,B). Thank You." |
"Thanks a lot my childhood lives again, so many games references! i never play zelda on my NES, thanks for the punch out, Goonies and contra! saludos desde Mexico" |
"This game is FANTASTIC! Only suggestion? A pause button!" |
"Loved the experience! All my favorite old glitches were given new life! Pays tribute, makes fun of, and gives a great sense of nostalgia! Thanks!" |
"Thank you for what you have done ! ABOBO NEVER STOPS !" |
"Thank you guyz for bringing my childhood back for a time ) Good luck!" |
"Love the amount of effort and all around goodness of this flash game. Not sure if it's my computer, but the arrow keys won't let me move, I can however sprint from one side of the screen to the other by double tapping the left or right arrow keys so IDK. I want to keep playing but it's getting annoying." |
"Amazing game!
BUG REPORT : on the boxing scene (next after the baloons) Abobo get out of the ring and never came back, the game then stucks, nothing to do to solve..." |
"This game is EPIC!" |
"One word: AMAZEBALLS" |
"This game is great, but I was hoping that it'd be a little more challenging. It's not even really "NES Hard", so I was a little disappointing. I'm hoping for higher difficulties in the later revisions." |
"why doesnt the a or s key work on my laptop? im stuck at the beginning right after he flushes himself down the toilet. and it doesnt help even if i restart. WTFWTFWTWFTFWTWF" |
"Oh yeah, this game really, REALLY, needs a pause feature. I was being bothered by other responsibilities last night. I was still able to get back to the game in time before the lives ran out in some levels (some cases had me running back to the game right before the game-over countdown expired), but this can be quite a problem for those who have to leave the game for extended periods." |
"please help! i am on the zelda level and i need to know why the box is sparkling!i also need to get that key. what should i do?
" |
"You guys did an amazing job on this. So much nostalgia, although i cant say I caught every reference, but that just makes me want to play more NES games. Thank you so much for making Abobos Big Adventure (and for free, to boot). " |
"awesome! great qwork" |
"I enjoyed every bit of your game! Thank you for bringing back those happy careless memories of my childhood!" |
"On the first stage where the 2nd kid arrives, if you rip its head off and at the same time punch the mushroom, game appears to bug into repeat punching and nobody else moving on screen." |
"Greetings from the UK, I just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work that you have put into to this game.
This game is absolutely fantastic!
I'm going to play it some more now" |
"Great game! Found a glitch though. In the Punch Out level, if you pause the game as Mac is about to go into an attack, he completes the attack while on pause, and leaves no damage. You can attack him after you unpause, though." |
"Pure nostalgia gaming brillintance , nuff said." |
"Great Job! Brings back good old memories. " |
"Wow. One of the most enjoyable game experiences that i've had a chance to play. Thanks, Teamabobo. Take my moneys." |
"Game of the Year. Not even kidding. Nothing coming out on any system can even compete with this masterpiece. What an incredible ride this is so far. The game brings tears to my eyes not only for being incredibly awesome but for being hysterical at the same time. There aren't enough superlatives for this labor of love. The love and care shows. Awesome job to you guys. I would so buy this game if it weren't free!" |
"please help me! no one responded to my question!what does that sparkling box do and how do i get the key in zelda stage!" |
"Love your game! It's brilliant! Thanks so much for making it. :-D The way you incorporate so many different characters is really well done!" |
"This game is great ! Thanks for this and congratulations for the nice work :)" |
"Congrats on the great game!" |
"You guys deserve all the credit you can get for this, is amazing! " |
"I loved the game! But I've never played Punch Out!! so when the final boss came, I had/have NO IDEA how to play the game... Y u no list controls??" |
"Awesome job guys, just compeletely awesome! I love NES and all of its games, and I feel like this game was meant to happen! I wish I could get a copy of it for my NES Collection! lol" |
"This is not only the biggest tribute to the NES, it's also a really fun and challenging game. Also, I laughed out loud at the ending." |
"Don't forget, there is a pause button! Press P!" |
"Great! The good old times: no save game!" |
"The game is loading so slow and this game is to hard...But the graphic is so cool
" |
"this is an amazing game, you guys are great." |
"Lol. Great game. I really like it" |
"This game is basically what every kid who grew up with a NES dreamed of! I can't believe how many references you crammed into one title. An absolute please to play, thank you so much!
~The Slag
www.the-slag.com" |
"Has anyone, in the history of the universe, ever managed to get past that F*!@$($* "Balloon Fight" stage??? " |
"FINALLY A PAUSE BUTTON....now its perfect" |
"Terrific game.
I can't seem to get the game to save though. :/
It may be related to cookies not being enabled or something. I dunno." |
"Totally amazing job. I am speechless. " |
"ps the secret sex dungeon in double dragon?!?!! AMAZING" |
"i like this game.. i think i found a bug.. the first boss (the shooter). the boss just get stuck in the left top corner and there is nothing you can do, can't hit, can't nothing.." |
"Wow, needs a Xboxlive/Playstation Network release. Fantastic." |
"Holy! Can't wait to reach the ending :)" |
"Amazing Game ... THanks !!!!
THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*" |
"Wonderfull gsme, just love it, keep the good work guys" |
"great job man, I love it!
however, I'd suggest, as a game who does not have the NES controller adaptor an option to change the buttons... I personaly would prefer playing with asdw as movement keys and something like K and L for the punch/kick buttons, you know....
This said, game's great, humor is awesome. " |
"I lost track of my entire night playing this. I will be sharing this with my friends definitely!" |
"theres a bug in zelda level. when i have a ladder (walk on water) and try to reach the key (its supposed to reach it from another side actually) it suddenly ive been placed on diagonal way which means im on a water and can't go back to the floor.
" |
"My life is now complete, I can die knowing I have lived a very full life. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" |
"Totally Loved this game!!! Completely reminded me of the book, "Ready Player One". Great Work guys, it truly is a labor of love and you can tell by all the details!!! =)" |
"Awesome guys ! It took me 15years back :)" |
"I found a continuity error in the ending. When the ending sequence begins, Mario backs away, going offscreen. After the whole flying head sequence is over, Mario is there as if he stayed to actually watch Abobo deliver the finishing blow, then backs off again." |
"Super ideas!:DLots of fun, made me smile continuously :)" |
"This game is epic ,thank's so much guys !!! " |
"Amazing game! Most of the complaints I see are from people who clearly did grow up with these games. Loved every minute of it. Abobo was always the coolest character from Double Dragon. Glad we finally got to hear his story. Hopefully someday we'll see Abobo 2 Electric Boogaloo!
" |
"merveillable!!!" |
"The game is very very fantastic !!!
Thanks for this awesome game !!!" |
"Great tribute to the NES and to growing up in the 80s. " |
"Any ideas why my arrow keys wont work? Really want to play but i cant even move forward." |
"Amazing Game, Thanks!!!" |
"My god....just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! All the bosses were great. OLD MAN!!!!!!!!" |
"best game ever made guys!!!!!thx a lot i dont regreat the money i donated BEST GAME EVER!!!!
i finished it now im on the trophee and secret" |
"The game: EPIC It really captures that NES feel. I finished it in one sitting. It's been a long time since I had that 'nooooo not again' feeling... CLASSIC!
The website: FANTASTIC. Even the footer is great!
The donater bonus game: WHAT?! Even the bonus game is great! If you expand it with more levels etc. it would stand perfectly on it's own!
Seriously: get this stuff on XBLA!!! " |
"Love it! Frustrating and hard, and I love it." |
"hhh" |
"greatest nes like game ever!!!!" |
"Thanks you guys so much for making this. I had a blast playing through. I know I'll be playing it a lot more working on medals and what not. Again thanks a ton, I haven't even played a game in years and this brought me back in as I love NES related stuff." |
"This game is a straight-up mother fucking masterpiece." |
"Excellent game, love it! now i really want to plug my nes again thanks for this amazing work.
Ps : you should release a portable version" |
"This was probably the best online flash-y game I've ever played." |
"I love this game!!! wish we could play it fullscreen but its all good! i liked the little easter eggs like the private party in the double dragon level.... great work, i will donate soon to get aboboys little adventure and to support of course!! and im using a street fighter IV blanka pad for the xbox 360 to play this, i have a real nes controller and console but I cant afford a usb adapter ATM" |
"This game is AWESOME, gonna play it some more, just wanted to let you know that if you hit a girl (punch her head actually) and an enemy at the same time (it was a goomba if I'm not mistaken) the game hangs with abobo's hitting animation and the girl's head gets stuck on his hand." |
"Kicks butt. Lacking some battletoads megawarps and punch out unpredictability but keeps kicking hard.
Thanx bad dudes. " |
"Ha! Awesome game. My hand hurts." |
"This is honestly the best game I've played in a while. The controls, the gameplay, the variety, and most of all the nostalgia. OH the sweet sweet nostalgia! You guys really outdid yourselves with this amazing game. Bravo a thousand times over!" |
"wow-- long time no see a great game like Abobo, deeply thanx" |
"Where is my comment?
Censorship much?
Could not handle the truth?
This game was over-hyped, and fails in many ways that it should not have.
Deleting negative comments shows your true colors." |
"Just amazing ... thanks a lot ! please continue !" |
"Great game, awesome. What about Hd version for Playstation 3??" |
"My hands are killing me!
I wish there was an option to switch to gamepad during gameplay, I don't want to lose my progress but I can't continue to play with my hands aching as much as they are.
Great game though!" |
"Super Game!)" |
"very very great game !
I guess you all spent a long time on this !
Congratulations !
I wish you could port this game on every machines all over the world,even on old cartridge systems!
Cheers from France!" |
"Really great game!!
U guys rocks!!!! " |
"i love you guys !!!" |
"Seriously, it needs fullscreen. It looks too small. Maybe I'm missing something." |
"Oh. It glitches into a small-scale canvas when starting.
It still could use the fullscreen, just for the hell of it." |
"DAGNABIT Pro-Wrestling glitch! And after that terrifying Balloon Fight level. :/ Anyway, "P" is pause people.
Other than that, thank you for raping my childhood and making it your bitch. ;)" |
"Small screen thing is caused by certain ads, refresh until you get an ad that's not broken." |
"Best Game EVER!!! Thank you for spending so much time to create this ultimate masterpiece! I finished the game and LOVED it!" |
"This is astounding. Never before has this been done to this level of accuracy and shear awesomeness. Great work." |
"thanks a lot for this awesome game =)" |
"I found a glitch, in the pro wrestling level, i got hit and knocked into the crowd. and FUCKING STUCK, then i disappeared. and now i gotta start the fuck back over.
if this is part of the NES experience i want to say FUCK YOU GUYS.
and this is awesome." |
"Umm, im confused on the part with Amazon. is there anyways to actually damage him?" |
"Best Game Ever 12/10." |
"This is one of the best games I have ever played. I've bookmarked this shit so I can play it anytime I want. Awesome work! The TLC you gave to this game really shows, despite the occasional glitch. PS: Anyone knows from what game the music during Shooter Gavin's match is? I've been looking for it, but I can't seem to find it. Many thanks to whoever helps me find it." |
"Okay, so three things. 1. People are having trouble with the sparkling block. You must push it from above. (I know. I spent like, two hours trying to get my rage full to blast the rock.) 2. I noticed a bug. In the Megabobo level, when your trying to beat Mecha/robobobo, you go back to the beginning of the stage with 5 lives. and 3. I noticed the references to i-mockery's Pixel Pals!" |
When fighting the Amazon, walk up to him, and once you automatically grab him try holding down a direction and then pressing the A button.
For example: Down + A = Piledriver
You can do a lot more than just body slam him! Also, if you get him out of the ring, you can hit him with chairs that are located on the left and right sides of the ring!" |
"The best game i ever played, thanks" |
"This game is mankind's greatest achievement." |
"This is such an amazing game!! I was expecting something in the end though that Abobo would let his hair grow out (maybe for the sequel) just as he looked in Double Dragon 2. PS. Papa Smurf FTW!" |
"great job with the game amazing, but the keys are reversed espeically for the MEGA MAN GAME .... A S ... should be S A
A = shoot and S = jump .. that was the NES B.A configuration, the megaman game is A,B which is really hard to play since A = jump S= shoot, but good job with it" |
"Love it except the final boss, which is pure fail." |
"Well, no, I'm pure fail. Just dodge, punch one time then uppercut combo. Rince and repeat." |
"HAving problems playing with my keyboard. Microsoft Natural ergonomic keyboard 4000. Nothing works, if I hit left i run left, same with right. A does not go through screens but still punches.
rollins720@gmail.com" |
"I love this game! It captures that old school NES feeling that I haven't felt in a long time." |
"This is the best game I've ever played in my entire life. Its creativity just blows me away and the comedic ending of the death of the villain made me laugh all the way through. The ending and credits was the best ending ever and makes me feel how much I got slapped in the face when I beaten SMB2. I love it!" |
"I loved the humor Nes style scenes in the game, and that is what makes this game really great!
I also like the many bosses, fighting bosses or special enemies is the biggest fun in a game and you did a good job creating them. The game was not too easy not too hard "normal" level Iґd say, and thats good for a humor game." |
"Abobo dont move with arrows ??? what can I do?? it run with double forward or backward but never moves and it punch and kicks with a and s :(" |
"BUG FOUND: At end of zelda stage, when man splits into three men, and you use rage power, game doesn't continue and just stays hung up in a loop and you can't progress.
So far, game's wikkid though." |
"totally love it!!!!!!!!!" |
"Wow. This is the most epic online game I have ever played. Just to rip Little Mac's head off was enough, let alone participate in the great adventure that preceded it.
Well done guys. Awesome achievement and ode to the NES. " |
"Great job guys. Thanks." |
"would be really good if this could be downloaded to be played in PC :) :)
" |
"My mind was fucking blown into another dimension of awesomesness into a completely new level D:" |
"Wow! Amazing, I really like your game. I love nes and snes gameplay , and what you made is the summum of retro nes gaming! Have you think to put it on a NES rom file to be playable on nes emulator or nes flashcard cartridge? hehe" |
"If you got stuck, don't give up - the last boss fight is hilarious, pretty hard and extremely worthy! Thanks, amazing game!" |
"Abobo's Big Adventure IS. JUST. TERRIFIC! You brought back to me so many sweet memories of my 8-bit times! Thank you very much for this masterpiece, I can't imagine how much you had to work to complete it!! My sincere compliments. Hope to see more works from you guys!
" |
"Congratulations on creating the best game ever! This game brought back so many memories of my child hood. I was determined to beat the game in one sit through just like in the old days. I haven't had so much fun and laughed so much over a video game, like I did with this one. Thank you,thank you,thank you for creating this game. Please create and sell Abobo t-shirts. Abobo rocks!!!!" |
"if you beat up a kid to eat their kid while attacking people at the same time the game freezes and goes in a loop." |
"As a long time reader of I-Mockery and a kid who grew up blowing on cartridges (or using that horrible alcohol kit), I give my thanks for this!
I sat down and played it start to finish, naming characters and games they were from and most importantly, reliving my childhood.
Also, thanks for a great ending! That was a rarity in those days..." |
"can't use the arrow keys, i'm using a laptop, please help" |
"Please Help me, I'm still stuck on the Zelda Stage. How do you persuade a rock?" |
"Push the sparkly block downward!" |
"Issogoooood!" |
"Found a glitch in contra level. tried to use rage while standing in front of jason and it just froze me in place and jason walked over and killed me, when my next life fell from the sky i never touched the ground just kept spinning right above the ground. couldnt move and nothing could reack me to kill me. all that time invested and now i have to start over." |
"Greatest tribute for all NES games. \m/" |
"This is a game created by madmen and fueled by genius. I can't thank you enough for this positively bonkers trip down memory lane. " |
"A wonderful piece of work. Thank you for gift. I hope to see, and play, more stuff from you guys and gals." |
"I gotta say thanks for the throwback. I'm 35 and grew up on NES, so the nostalgia definitely kicked ass. Just like in the old days i stayed up until i beat the game, and now it's 6 in the morning. Too bad i can't save the achievements (1085points). "Join the Nintendo Fun Club today, Mac!!!"" |
"Achievements and level progress automatically save as long as you're not playing in incognito or private browsing modes in your browser and as long as you allow flash cookies in your security settings.
Use the level select to gain access to previously beaten levels, and press 1 on balloon fight to skip to the pro-wrestling amazon battle." |
"Excellent! I just hope more like this come in the future! Great mix of great games!!!" |
"I just made a FB post about how it's finally here, and I had about 10 friends to tag. We grew up playing NES, and just from watching the video alone, I can tell this is the game I always wished existed as well. Thanks a million for making it, and I can't wait to see that ending." |
"WOW! fantastic game!!
Jґai eu beaucoup de plaisir a travers les niveaux du jeu. Merci beaucoup. I really enjoy the game thanks!" |
"The action keys will work but the arrow keys refuse to do anything. I can still do that charging move if I double tap on the side arrows though. Any suggestions?" |
"Sticky keys and keyboard unresponsiveness is caused by your browser. You can google "Flash Internet Explorer Sticky Keys Fix" or try using another web-browser." |
"OMG!!! I couldnt play at Newgrounds, ABOBO didnt move, but i said i kinda smell something good about this one... and OMG best fucking game ever OMG xD
is just super cool broows! excelent!!! MEGUSTAAAA!!!
the megaman level is awesuuuuum! should make some fanmade levels duds! youre great!! keep the good work!!!" |
"Best Game Ever!" |
"Excelente! se puede descargar para usarlo offline? felicitaciones un muy buen trabajo! Saludos desde Argentina, el paraiso de los cartridges nes piratas!" |
"Wow, all the memories :D (im 35) Basically ALL the games I knew from my youth, when 80 pixels were enough to create a whole character, are in there. Incredible work guys ! " |
"Epic game good job guys, I take off my hat to you..." |
"unimpressed. did you make the boss more difficult the battle toads? cause mission accomplished
" |
"Hey, I just noticed something cool! If you leave Kid Icarus alive in the second Contrabobo level, he'll fly right up to the Kirby fight and still try to kill you while you're fighting Kirby. And if you beat Kirby without killing Kid Icarus, he'll keep firing arrows even through the cutscene. He only disappears when you go to the bike training montage." |
"This game is so awesome, I'd love to be able to make a game like this!!! You guys should consider porting this to other consoles *if they'd even allow it*
I was wondering if you guys have any tips for an aspiring game programmer such as myself. I REALLY want to do flash, and that course is coming up in March, and I have next month off, so I would like to get a head start over everyone." |
"This game is brilliant! I reached the wrestling ring with Amazon and got stuck in the side of the ring though. Gonna have to replay it." |
"Okay, three comments:
1. The Punchout level was AMAZING! Though it couldv'e been improved if you made it a full tournament.
2. Urban Champs REALLY didn't deserve a level. You probably could've just had the guy in Level 1. Baloon Champ really should've been seperated from the Wrestling Level.
3. I could think of THIS many games that could've used that level really well...
1. Metroid 2. Castelvania 3. Metal Gear 4. BattleToads(Though this is still a beat em' up, so... Yeah) 5. Ki" |
"The controls don't work at all. I have to click on the options to start with my mouse instead of pressing "A" and once the game actually starts the arrows wont work to make him move. This game looks awesome and i really want to play it but it is just not possible." |
"If the keys aren't working, try a different browser or update flash player. Also, playing in fullscreen in a browser disables flash keys, so make sure you're no in fullscreen mode.
@Apiring flash programmer, just download the 30 day free trial and start playing around. The web is full of game tutorials and flash is relatively easy to get going with. Good luck!" |
"Awesome game loved it acually verry entertaining you should make another 1" |
"This game is amazing! I hope you make a downloadable version with a save/continue feature!" |
"como juego con aboboy" |
"awesome game best online game eva (apart from minecraft)
im having trouble against big mac any tips
" |
"This is insane! Just awesome, a masterpiece!!!" |
"Oh God! I just go back in time! Thanx for the memories! :)" |
"pretty hard the game but really awesome thanks for create this game" |
"Glitched on the second childs head... just froze in place punching forever..." |
" I really enjoy this game i have now beet it twice" |
"Simply AWESOME! What are the chances of this game being ported to a ROM file to run in an NES emulator?" |
"Well what can be said to truly express my gratitude towards this shining example of a familiar and once lost golden moment in time. All I can say is THANK YOU for making something that can easily remind us all the beauty of learn-as-you-go gameplay mechanics without tutorials, story though simple flat colors, and riddling the crap out of this thing with nostalgic and forgotten faces and places." |
"I love this game,thank you guys so much for making it." |
"Thanks guys! It's such good flashback in my childhood!" |
"su juego es un gran tributo a los juegos viejos que la gente no puede recordar gracias!" |
"Atually has best NES endind ever! could only wish a game like this never ended..." |
"friggin love this game, thank you very much, i really enjoy playing this." |
"You guys took me back to a time when I was just a wee child. All the joy, the rage, the laughter and the emotions. From the bottom of my heart I thank you for this incredible gift to the world. Too bad things like SOPA and PIPA might/will ruin experiences like this in the future." |
"I'm a french old gamer and I just want to thank you, your work on this game is just a-ma-zing !!!! I've enjoyed every minute and it reminds me some sweet memories !! Merci beaucoup ! :)" |
"This is amazing o.o I may have to dig out my NES, brought back a lot of memories. God I miss the old Zelda games " |
"Awesome!!!" |
"Nice! So many memories of NES gameplay. FYI if you use your rage in the zelda stage in a certain room you will blast open a secret door. It's in one of the bottom left rooms, or in the "bottom right nut". Leads to an easter egg." |
"WHOOOT WHOOOT!! I love it! Fantastic game :)" |
"Wow, really outstanding!" |
"Hello my friends, you are is the MEN!!! thanks for the game abobos big adventure, Please Guys, Have any chance of a release of Aboboґs big adventure with the options, Fullscreen and support for 2 joysticks USB? Thank you friends, i will make a donation for you project, because you deserve it! thanks again!! gamesmame@hotmail.com" |
"rRRRR" |
"this game is really good
well done thx for sharing with us for free.
" |
"Abobo? Agogogogogo.
Punching, flying, eating, shooting, pwning.
Yah Buddy!!!!" |
"Hi guys!
You did a really great work bringing back all the stars from the late 80's, early 90's, my childhood is brought back in a hell of a game!
T.H.A.N.K Y.O.U" |
"That was fantastic. You people deserve high praise for getting it right and making it fun.Now you just need an impossible Battletoads level. " |
"Why the hell this game plays in so small screen now? How I can return full-screen version again?
The game is pretty by the way.
" |
"excellent game you did!!,lots of things come to my mind now!. the difficulty is right like the nes games, the humor, the playability, the music. 10/10" |
keep up the good work!! BEST NES GAME EVER!!!!!!" |
"My first console was the NES and its pretty awesome to have everything rolled into a bad ass, head ripping, can munching 8-bit ride! I LOVE THIS GAME all it needs now is an NES release! " |
"Amazing job. All the feeling of NES nostalgia WITH a side of frustrating difficulty (I'm looking at you Balloon Fight level). Throw in the laughs and you have a real gem. Big props, thanks so much for this!" |
"Any one know what song is played during the laser shark boss? or what game its from?" |
"Is there a way to change keys??
Thanks" |
"No way to change keys unless you map a controller to your keyboard." |
"this is amazing i'd pay to have it on a nes cart" |
"This has got to be the best nes game i have ever played in my whole life. awesome work you guys did making this game!" |
"Loved every second of it. Thank you so much. Awsome music awsome controls awsome graphics and most of all AWSOME ENDING!!!" |
"lol... trollololololololooool" |
"Oh man. I just happen to be bored and watching Justin.tv and a guy was playing this. Had to try. Got my ass handed to me by the other abobo on the quick man level. this is one of the coolest things I have ever seen!! Talk about trip down memory lane, I was recognizing everything. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME FOR 1 KNOWING HOW TO DO THIS AND FOR 2 FUCKIN DOING IT!!!!! thank you so much for the smiles man!!" |
"plus de bonus et niveaux svp" |
"le code pour le niveau 7 est: haut,haut,bas,bas,gauche,droite,gauche,droite,s et a" |
"ive had problems when you hit a kid, you, abobo just keeps punching and the game freezes.
" |
"Must Epic NES GAME ive seen in my life full of action, avery single character in the NES take part in this game just awsome and what to say about Abobo, just wow you are great guys you really did broght best of the best i really recommend this game to anybody be or not fan of 8 bit and NES games. YOU MUST PLAY ABOBOґS BIG ADVENTURE AND YOU WILL NEVER REGET IT OR FORGET IT!" |
"You can't map the rage to D because there isn't a third button on the NES controller..." |
"Hey dude !
Is it possible to make a real NES version ?
On a real NES ?
I think the game may be too heavy, but if the game can be on NES, this would be freakin AWESOME !
(PS: You rock !!!)" |
"It's like, the best thing someone can do. Any game can beat things like this.
You're awesome dudes. Thanks a lot for making me happy" |
"fucking awesome!!" |
"I forgot to post a comment on this site when this game had came out dawn it!
My favorite level is the water level it's brilliant how they input all the water nes enemies in it. I kinda wish that little mac have a introduction right before the fight began." |
"nao consigo passar a querta fase oque fazer???
" |
"this game is good and cool." |
"You are AWESOME! Good old NES-style game with much, much fun. Sorry for my poor English. Many thx for all this your work!" |
"Can you use other NES controllers(NES Max/NES Advantage/etc.) with the USB adapter to play this game?" |
"Great job guys!" |
"Best Nes game i evar played !!! " |
"Awesome and funny" |
"Where does this game store your save data on the HDD? I need to format this computer and do not want to get all the medals again. Please help! BTW I love this game." |
"Great Game Man For Real" |
"just awesome man! i only played a few minutes of it, i know i probably haven't even scratched the surface, but man, i love how u mix in all the old school nes references! really appreciate it guys, great work" |
"Now We Just Need A Ulitmate SNES Tribute" |
"Awesome game, please do more and release on Steam or Desura!" |
" |
"for some reason i can only get the arrow keys to work looks awesome but can only move A D to work wierd.. my email is jakejekyl@mail.com if you know the reason id like to know runnin on google chrome
" |
"If controls aren't working, update flash player on adobe's site or try using a different browser (also, try updating your browser).
Good luck!" |
"[my experience with this game]
Huh? What is this? *starts playin* heh... this is pretty cool-*next level* .... whoa lol shit just got real-
[4 hours later] MEGAMAN LEVEL NOW, BITCHES!!!! BAHAHA! *shoots everywhere* Yeah! Yeah! Eat it gizmo duck! Fuck you NES Lasers! What's THAT Skully? RAGE MODE!?! YEAAAH!
[4 game overs later, i get to the final boss] ... mother of god ಠ_ಠ " |
"Where'd all the medals go? I loaded the game, and they all disappeared!" |
"Medals are attached to your Internet cache. If you clear your Internet files/history you will lose your save. There are ways to back up your flash cookies, but you'll have to google that process. Good luck!" |
"Awesome game had a blast playing it. Brought back some awesome memories from the 80's seeing all the old characters again. P.s. the bonus game after finishing link is broken and stays on a white page" |
"In the eyes of someone who this game speaks to, simply amazing. One of the greatest fan made games I've ever experienced. Thank you for the trip back to the NES days." |
"You should make this game an app on the iPhone And iPad and other smart phones" |
"This game is freaking genius!!! You guys did a hell of a good job, it's just awesome how you incorporated all the NES characters into the story. Great Job!!!" |
"Wow! 6 years in the making and it shows! Great work, great effort, I hope you all become millionaires b/c that would only be right. Labor of love for sure! I lpve your 8 bit action! AIR for Android??? (saw it in GI mag)" |
"My Medals Points:1915/2000
1)Duck Hunted.
3)Private Party.
5)Another Castle.
Осталось получить:
7)Double Trouble.
Помогите пожалуйста получить 2)Headbanger,4)Thriller,7)Double Trouble...
А то мой мозг уже НИЧЕГО не сооброжает..." |
"My Medals Points:1965/2000
1)Duck Hunted.
3)Private Party.
5)Another Castle.
Осталось получить:
7)Double Trouble.
Помогите пожалуйста получить 2)Headbanger,7)Double Trouble...
А то мой мозг уже НИЧЕГО
не сооброжает..." |
" buy soma online by cod wordpress
cialis no pharmacy prescription AssessmentPlease
" |
"This is one of the most amazing games I have ever played. very funny and keeps you wanting more. Great job! :) " |
"Insert an option to scale the screen size 2x, 3x, 4x. Without that, it's pretty much a wasted effort on your part given how small the display current is. For sure, it'd be pretty impressive if the display wasn't so damn small." |
"Okay, it seems like the tiny screen is just a bug, maybe even having to do with Flash and not the game. The downloadable version works perfectly, though! Awesome game, guys. Great job! :)" |
"The game is totally awesome... my controls didn't work when I was playin the game online but then I downloaded the game Worked!!! The graphics are more better than it used to be in old times :) I've even drawn
two pictures of Abobo." |
"I read about this in Game Informer so I checked it out and was blown away! Not even that article did this incredibly awesome tribute justice! Keep up the amazing work guys!" |
"it would be nice to be able to toggle sound" |
"THANK U FOR THIS!!!!! So many memories brought back to life....." |
"Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into this masterpiece. Best game i have played this year by far. Really takes me back to the golden days of my youth. Being 34 years old they just don't make games like they used to but you guys give me hope. Heres to a Sequel. " |
"There's an odd glich where the health children on level 1 will fail and Abobo will stand there punching the air while their head is in his fist and blood spurts from the body. He will never actually eat the head or stop punching. there doesn't seem to be anything special that causes this, possibly eating the head while enemies are on screen." |
"Does anyone know where I may find a rom for Abobo's Big Adventure?" |
"how do you find toad in the dungeon?" |
"Hey, guys! I just donated $5.00 to your game. I work in a kitchen, paying off film school loans and have had to move back in with my folks, but I never gave up my dreams either. Thanks to no rent payments (thanks mum and dad!), I made my first feature film, coming out in May.
I wish I could give you more in support of your dream (and for creating the best damn game a Mac user could have!)! Thanks!" |
"Dude... I think I'm too lazy for this game. I lost my patience after dying at the boss fight on the ZeldAbobo level. Great job though. Its cool to see so many classic sprites all in one game, as well as some new ones. Like... sharks, with frickin laser beams attached to their heads. Well done. Perhaps when I have less on my plate I'll give it another shot." |
"Thank you guys seriously... this is top quality. I feel like im 5 again. Thank you for sharing this experience with us and showing it the love and time it deserves. " |
"I'm tired of the whole "nostalgia" thing where people think nobody remembers Mario or Zelda and they think they're awesome for referencing it. But Double Dragon? Hell, T&C Surf? THAT is my childhood, and you touched on it perfectly. This is retro done right." |
"I am a child of the 80's and I remember playing most of these games. This is a fantastic and comical tribute to the great age of 8 bit gaming.Very well done. my hats off to you guys." |
"It'z so avvesome, Zanks guys, Love this game, yeah !!!! Great work, Back to the NES, forward in the past =D" |
"Fantastic game! I'm sad to say I only knew about this game when I read the article in Game Informer Magazine, and I'm kicking myself in the head for it. LOL Back in the days of NES I was a hardcore gamer even for my age, and this game really takes me back. I love it, you guys did a really great job!" |
"Love the game! I would happily pay for it if you could offer it as an app for the iPhone. Abobo in my pocket would be a blast." |
"i love this game my favorite part was the ending." |
"This is a wonderful game full of nostalgia.
Like being thrown into a bowl of nostalgia, love it.
I shall prescribe it to you to swallow orally once a day for two months. Your welcome." |
"I am officially in love with ABBOBO
" |
"I love Abobo! I love the difficulty even though i want to rage quit sometimes. Great references and easter eggs" |
"the best game of all fucking times! greetings from a 31 old Argentina fan!!! ABOBO its the new chuck norris " |
"yeah" |
"GREAT GAME !!! " |
"I was blown away by this game's awesomeness the first time I played it. From start to finish, this game just keeps getting better and better." |
"This game is awsome thank you :)" |
"Wow, all that nostalgia in one tight package. I had many good laughs just playing this a bit casually, I'm sure I will have many more by the time I play all of it. Good job, I will be sure to drop 5 on the donations for this.esen" |
"hola gracias por este regalo les mando un gran aplauso y un saludo de parte de la comunidad desde mazatlаn sinaloa mиxico" |
"You need to make this into an android app with a virtual keyboard!" |
"I love this game im on the zelda level but i have a problem with the game i cant get metals 3rd time downloading the game but still cant get them is there a problem with the pc download." |
"From beginning to end, it's awesome. Brings back so many memories. Thank you." |
"I'm sure you've heard it a million times but this is awesome! Sweet, sweet nostalgia. The cabinet looks sweet also." |
"WoW...thanks, so many great memories... i really liked the Zelda part... espacially when i killed the messenger... ;)" |
"This is probably the most awesome Flash game I've played. You guys are hilarious and obviously have some kind of knowledge of 6502 ASM considering how well you got down the timings for things in the games it was uncanny, that or you just spent a hell of a lot of time paying meticulous attention to details. I can't even imagine how much work must have gone into this game. Fucking amazing." |
"Can't wait to see it on IOS. BIG UP for the work :)" |
"Love the game!" |
"Simply a great game. I finished the entire game, and I can say that it is a work of art. Of course I still want to get all the medals, a game like this deserves many hours in my life :D Congratulations, you guys have created a work of art." |
"this needs to be ported to Android" |
"Downloaded for Mac OSX 10.8,
When I try to play, I get the following error: “abobosbigadventure_MAC” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.
Tried re-downloading but same result. Bummer. Any ideas?" |
"Yeah!!!" |
"megusta este juego" |
"Thanks a lot for that game, you should do a cycle." |
"love to get a list of the nes music used and which stage its on. :D" |
"This is a real great game. You guys have done an awesome work !
Love you all " |
"great, amazing, thanks for this amazing game thanks!!!!" |
"This game is awesome, there still so much games you can incorporate in this nes abobo universe. what programs did you use to make this game. is there any abobos adventure game editor? my favorite parts were the Contra megaman, double dragon, punch out and the amazon fight." |
"Thanks for this epic game" |
"I need more nostalgia!" |
"Great game you guys. I'll hook you guys up with a lil something when I get paid." |
"Best Cpu game Ever! I really enjoyed it. thanks 4 making it." |
"Fuckin Awesome." |
"Hi, the mac version isn't working on OS X last version." |
"This game is just pure awesomeness, a masterpiece much better than a lot indie game sold nowaday. All this character from my chilhood! Thanks a lot from France dude." |
"Brilliant and funny game so well done" |
"i fucking love this game,thanks for making it!" |
"Great game, I love all the references to the 8 bits era. I really enjoyed it, thanks for your work !" |
"What a great idea! Every NES-fan will remember, of course especially the Double Dragon fans as me.
You did a wonderfull job. I hope you'll do such games also in a way to tribute also the SNES and maybe also Segagames in future. I believe that you maniacs are capable to do that. ;) Keep on doin' magic..." |
"ЎMuy buen juego! (Very good game!)
Gracias." |
"ЎAwesome game!,It has lotsof fun and nostalgia.
ЎYou Rock!" |
"I love you guys
Grettings from Colombia lationamerica" |
"Great game!!" |
"its fantastic game tribute" |
"very good game" |
"bine a este juego por dross esta bueno saludos" |
"In one word: Amazing! Thanks for letting me remember great moments" |
"Deberian crear un cartucho con el juego!" |
"Como lo bajo?" |
"This game...is....EPIC!!!!!" |
"Buenisimo juego, sobre todo por que yo tuve la dicha de jugar la mayoria de los juegos de donde cuyos personajes salen aqui. Ademas doeble Dragon era mi juego favorito." |
"Men! this game is awesome! i saw it in youtube and i wanna download it RIGHT NOW!" |
"Epic game!" |
"Amazing Game *-*" |
"Game of the Year? More like Game of the Forever!" |
"epic lol" |
"Excelente juego muy recomendable y adictivo, gracias." |
"it..... was.... awesome!!!!!!!! i love it i felt like a little girl again .... " |
"Great! i want this on my Famicom!" |
"This game is fantastic! I have older siblings (i am 22) so i have grown up playing all the classic games. This one is amazing. It takes all the elements of the best NES games and compiles it into one. Great job. Any chance of putting this on itunes? consider it, i would definitely pay some serious $$$ to be able to take this with me where ever i go." |
"When the oldman boss at the end of the zelda game turns into 3 oldmen with swords, and you use your final slash rage move to kill them with, it freezes the game and you cant play anymore. " |
"genial juego xD" |
"love this game best game i have ever played classic thanks making this game " |
"THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING IN THE WORLD This Game. Oh God is wonderful *0*" |
"Best game ever, that's all i have to say, and thank you for making it free" |
"Great game a great tribute to the NES games I hope they take their sequel" |
"Yo estoy aqui por Dross xD" |
"BRKsEdu eu vim aqui por causa dele !" |
"Thank you, wonderful job! Just the thing I needed to get." |
"The best game!!!" |
"The Offline Version for PC make auto save? I play it but doesnt save anithing. Thanks, GREAT GAME!!!!" |
"Uau que jogo AWESOME" |
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"So cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" |
"lol" |
"how to use beta club code?" |
"Fantastic game, really bought me back to my childhood. LOVED EVERY PART OF IT. Amazing. Great job." |
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOH Yeah! I love that game!" |
"abobo`s big adventure is now live" |
"its a really funny game " |
"Playing this was such a throwback! Loved every minute of it! Thank you so much guys!" |
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"muito bom" |
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"abobos huge adventure the ultimate tribute to the snes maybe " |
"lml" |
"This is cool." |
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"make a psp port" |
"This is best mini game i have ever played! And i`m not joking. But the level in dungeon is to hard for me, fuck. Great job, keep it up!" |
"Everytime I beat this game I HAVE to play it again! :D" |
"Una pasada de juego !! quй recuerdos de los viejos 8 bits!! Is very nice!!" |
"That's a very cool thing you guys've made! I suggest you try Greenlighting it on Steam, it's really worth a try!" |
"cara que game bom" |
"Old-scholl" |
"el mejor juego que e jugado en internet, la musica es buena y la tematica absolutamente genial xD se los recomiendo 100% y descarguenlo ara sus pc y no se olviden de donar algo " |
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"This game is the BEST 8-BIT TRIBUTE EVAR!!!!!
I cherished every frickin moment of this game whether it's from the easy double dragon gameplay style to the punch-out style; I loved it!
My favorite part is the contra gameplay style because you added the konami code, the two bosses have kirby in it and YOU PUT IN A LEMMINGS GUN!!!!! :D
Thanks for all the work and development put into this guys" |
"culllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll........." |
"Quick Manґs level DOES NOT deserve a tribute -_-
Except for that minor complaint, great game, thank you!" |
"The Game Is Awesome & Cool." |
"what sterroid looks identical to a round maroon IB Proffen Tablet?" |
"I have had a lot of fond memories growing up with my NES and this game brought back all of that wonderful nostalgia. Glorious.... simply glorious!" |
"team abobo are you thincking of a sequl
also how do you make this game can you post a tatorial" |
"jogo legal" |
""I love the power glove, It's so bad". Great game, feel like I was playing on nes." |
"Wow. I had doubts about this game, but I played the entire thing and I was surprised and impressed! " |
"this is really the ultimete tribute to the nes this make me so nostalgic" |
"the most hard boss is the first because he can stun you" |
"Great game! The hard work of you guys is an amazing game! Everyone who love games need to play this." |
"An awesome game.Waiting for the sequal.The final boss fight and baloon level are too hard)But the best levels in ballon fight's boss fight and contrabobo's second level." |
"Este juego ests chifdo
" |
"Best game ever
" |
"Cool!" |
" |
"The game is really awesome! Many friends Loved it! Please make more games Like this." |
"very funny" |
"Pootis" |
"RESPECT, GUYS this is by far the BEST SNES game, which was not made by Nintendo, Нґve ever played, Iґm going to suggest it to my friend and hope, you guys are planning to make more stuff like this, YOU RULE!!!" |
"This is so cool!!! Well done!!!" |
"one of the best games i have played in a long time" |
"I already recieve in the mail the thing to play the BETA test but now how do i made it???" |
"and what about Abobo's big adventure 2 ???? should be awesome!
(i'm a pirate ok? )" |
"Amazing game guys! Very very hard like the gold times of NES " |
"Sddd" |
"What a great game to enjoy.
I never stopped playing it,I started playing it 3 years ago and i am still playing it!
(PS: I demand a sequel please. if not,it's ok!)" |
"I wanna play please" |
"Game hang omce at megabobo level then I try to use megablaster (A+S). Music was playing, but animation sequence (megabobo face) was not showing." |
"Un juego ideal para Gamers Veteranos como yo!.. Este juegazo me recordу todos los juegos clбsicos que juguй en mi infancia.. Hahahaha!, Best Ending Ever! :,D" |
"psp port, please!" |
"Excelent Game, you manage to capture those old moments in our hearts thanks, hope you do more stuff like this" |
"wow! this game is awesomeeeeeeeeeeee in special the final cutscene 5 staaars." |
"holi" |
"Excellent work. Really enjoyed this. Even the hard bits :)" |
"porra meu que jogo foda vei belo tributo ao nes e ainda banhado a sangue у perfeito
" |
"That game was epic I enjoyed it the contra part was pissing me off cause I never got into that game and always found it difficult but I loved the challenge also not a fan of zelda either. I love the way you put this game together beside that had alot of fun playing would love to see more like this." |
"I love it, best 8-bit game ever ! I laughed so much (rot in hell abobo!!!)" |
"very nice game that cured my boredom whilst in my boring school...." |
"good game" |
"reallyu" |
"This games is awesome!!!.so much funny.Thanks for all the effort
epic !!!!! Well done" |
"el juego es simplemente genial me recuerda mi infancia con la nes " |
"buen game" |
"This is easily the worst game ever made in history. E.T. is a fucking masterpiece by comparison. You need to die in the most agonizing way possible of a combination of AIDS and cancer while your family abandons you hopeless and destitute to your fate. Fuck you and rot in hell." |
"guys you are awesome ^^" |
"Can't believe I waited so long to play this. This made me tear up at several points throughout the game. Seriously. This is absurdly well done, and from one lover of videogames to another, I'd like to thank you for making this. So many fun memories. And so much fun today too :). Bravo!" |
"this game have virus?" |
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"I have a question,When I minimize the game and keep clicking forward it says end of Demo I Download from the official site Whats up with that" |
"I really Love what you did with this game everything is outstanding seeing all of the classic games I give this game a 10 star rating" |
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"I would love to get aboboys small adventure however i have no money to donate :(" |
"Best flash game ever made." |
"Shooter Gavin His Real Name is Machine Gun Willy. Big Mac was Giga Mac in
Punch-Out WII and SSB4 for 3DS,Wii U! someing Missing Sprites. go to the
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2016! Super Mario Maker Spritse too. Good luck! Abobo smash!
Get Megaman 9 and 10 Sprites the 8bit Missing Megaman sprites.
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"Mega bobo Was Bad Box Art Megaman From Megaman 10. Full rage is Megaman's Final
Smash From SSB4 for 3DS,Wii U!
What are Flying Alien From SNES Use Megaman his Robot Dog Rush. Rush Jet can
Fly. Go Fight Abobo!
" |
"I downloaded the Mac version of game and tried to play it, but my Mac says the file is damaged. Please fix this. I'll try the PC version." |
"Esse jogo e bom mesmo
" |
"Amazing game. love this, just wish was two player" |
"muy fino" |
"This game is pure love!
Thank you!" |
"I grew up playing many of the games referenced here and this brought back many fun memories. Well done!" |
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"Это мне скучно.
гпорно рассках божья коровка и порно рассказ настя" |
"You guys are awesome! This game is SOOO BAD! Thank you!" |
"http://steamcommunity.com/id/shadviper31/ shared this with all my steam friends, I love it! And as I told them and as a suggestion please make a steam version of this as possible! :3 Thanks " |
"i REALLY loved the game! maybe you can do a sequel or prequel....(i know you already made aboboy's little adventure) THANKS FOR ALL!" |
"awesome game i loved playing it" |
"OMG so funny, worth 5 stars, i could not stop laughing" |
"hey, really want to play this on my macbook but says the file is damaged and wont play" |
"What a good game but what if someone try to remake it for android" |
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"That's a incredible game!
The art,music and references are splendids!
Still like that guys!
" |
"Please make a second game, this was AMAZING" |
"Love you guys - keep it up :) - I saw you guys at comic con a few years ago - not sure what your new games and stuff are - do you have a website - thank " |
"Amazing...just amazing! You have basically made the best flash game of all the times!" |
"Oh Lord. I don't know what to do as I have Lots of work to do next week summer. Plus the university exams are getting, it will be a torture. I am already being nervous maybe I should link to calm down a little bit. Hopefully it will all go well. Wish me luck." |
"Fantastic gameplay!!" |
"Why don't the medals work in the downloadable version for PC? Also, please make it MUCH easier to assign a controller. Just notes for a future REQUIRED update." |
"One of the best things I revisited from my tween years, so much so that I made a Smash moveset for Abobo mainly based on this. Now I just need to know all the specials in the battle mode." |
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